the morning dew evaporates, the sky is pink, throughout it is soft; okay and bloom at adrift, upon the sky, it is already past early The MORZe CORPORATION ™

Formally founded in 1958 and assembled from five companies bought out by
Zakom Elektronika during the prolonged third act of the Second Great World War to prepare for a commercialized future of peace and luxury; would inevitably capitalize from post war efforts to rebuild industry, uniting engineers, technicians, visionary designers, across various efforts in electronics, machinery and robotic assembly.

Leading in industrial capability, countless product lines would be innovated upon, in Home Defense, Armaments, Personal Effects, Makeup, Jewelry and Fine Silverware, Clothing, Furnishings, Agricultural Mechanics, Auto-Constructions, Android Carapace, Mechanical Automata Body Prosthesis which boost Strengths, restore Hearing, and increases to Dexterity, Personal Vehicles, Media and Entertainment, Construction Resources, Telephonic Inter-Networks, CrossContinuum Exploration Device, "Persona Vessel" Avatar-Frame Reconstruction, Genetic Design Permutations, Pets and Healthcare, Medicine, Food, Personal Electronics, Robotics Applications, Computational Softworks, Hardworks, and Graphical Systematics,
of its time one of the largest modern ultracorporations with over seven hundred thirty thousand employed globally and ranked among the top twelve corporate earners and megaproducers certified by both the Neo American Empyreon Standards Association [NAESA] and the Collectivized European Consumer Protectorate [CECP] since 2025 ; renown worldwide for economical fortune and technological innovations which provide aid and enrichment serving billions of consumers and producers.